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Fasco Postive Placement Joist Hanger

Rubber comfort grip ensures non-slip handling and reduces vibrations and fatigue.
Positive placement of nails because of special magazine. (Placement Nails size 37 x 3.3mm).
Fast action of nailing and ergonomic design make this Fasco Joist Hanger a quick and efficient pneumatic tool.
Compact shape and design. Superior than alternative gas Placement Nailers for joist hanging because of its compact shape and size, it is easy to lift and fit in between roofing joists.
Fastenings and maintenance of this pneumatic tool will be much cheaper than the gas alternatives, because there will be no need for you to buy gas with every box of nails.
It is also more reliable and will require minimal servicing.
Applications for Fasco Positive Placement Joist Hanger:

Roof Joists.
Rafters & Joists.
Metal Connectors.

£494.99 inc VAT
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